Was Zika an American trick?

Americans have yet to prove that the Zika virus causes brain or brain hemorrhage in infants whose mothers have contracted the virus during pregnancy, experts said.

US scientists have been unable to prove the risk of the Zika virus on pregnant women and their offspring. The US government then announced that there was sufficient evidence for the relationship, and confirmed that the evidence was increasing.

However, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that the number of brain or head injury victims in northeastern Brazil, where the epidemic spread in 2015, was no different from that of previous years. In 2015-2016, the same number of children was born with small skulls.

Although the number of pregnant women infected with the Zika virus was significant, there was no increase in the increase in children with small head.

The reason why some scientists are convinced of a link between the virus and the disease was to change the criteria for the size of the heads of children, and scientists ignore the genetic causes that cause the small.

The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) urged pregnant women in April 2016 not to travel to northeastern Brazil and other areas where they were infected.