In the network there were scammers sending e-mail fake offers to participate in the launch of the Gram and the Telegram Open Network (TON). The unknowns are represented by the official representatives of the new block-playground and offer to buy a virtual currency, the launch of which is planned for the stock exchange on February 1. Scammers insist that “select users” can purchase a coin of only 15 cents per piece.
Recently a rumor has it that the telegram is going to conduct an initial placement of coins (ICO) to raise funds for the development of the block-platform. Officially, the event has not yet been announced, but scammers are already trying to cash in on the upcoming ICO.
In the letter, unknown persons, who are members of the Telegram Open Network (TON) team, offer to participate in the preliminary sale of Gram tokens of crypto currency. The coin, according to fraudsters, will be placed on the stock exchange on February 1, 2018, and the “selected users” have the opportunity to purchase it at a price of 15 cents per piece.
The “project” already has a website. In the “Team” section there are real developers of Telegram, there is also a fragment of the presentation of Gram and TON, which appeared in the media earlier. At the same time, according to the service of registration of domain names, the fraudulent site was registered on January 6, 2018 by anonymous users.
In December, Pavel Durov stated that all “official information is published only on the Telegram website, and everything else is mostly spam.”
The placement of Telegram, if held, will be in demand: unlike many start-ups conducting ICO, now we are talking about the already popular messenger.
First, at the pre-ICO stage, Telegram will offer its tokens to a limited circle of investors, and then to a wider range of private investors, writes TechCrunch. In total, 5 billion grams will be created, 4% (200 million) of which will be reserved for the development team and 52% for Telegram itself.
The minimum amount of investment in the pre-sale will be $ 20 million. And the messenger may require investments not in the crypto currency, but in real currency, for example, US dollars. ICO provides an opportunity to raise funds for the development of the project. Now there is no advertising in Telegram and everything functions on the personal resources of its creator.
Within the whole ICO, the company can raise from $ 3 billion to $ 5 billion, but the numbers can change. At the same time, TechCrunch notes that ICO Telegram could become the largest one at the moment, more than the initial placement of Tezos, within which $ 230 million was attracted.
In the Telegram channels devoted to the upcoming ICO Telegram Open Network (TON), which the creators the original instant messenger, is distributed white paper, containing detailed information about the upcoming project. The document consists of 132 pages, which corresponds to the description previously provided by the TechCrunch portal.
As the author of white paper, the elder brother of Pavel Durov Nikolay, who is the co-founder of the Telegram project, is listed. The block-platform will be called Telegram Open Network (TON), it will make payments to users, as well as other transactions, secure. In the IV quarter of 2018, it is planned to launch an electronic purse through which it will be possible to translate both the crypto currency and ordinary money. In addition, other developers can work through the platform.
Blocking on the basis of Telegram will consist of four main elements, the technical document says. TON Services will allow third-party developers to create decentralized mobile applications and “smart contract” services. TON DNS is a service for assigning human-readable names to accounts, smart contract services, and network nodes. With TON DNS, access to decentralized services will be as simple as browsing the Web on the World Wide Web.
TON Payments is a platform for micropayments and micropayment channel networks. It is designed to perform reliable direct transactions between users, bots and other services.
TON Blockchain is designed in such a way that TON chains can “automatically split and merge with the load on the network”, which will support high generation speed of new blocks and avoid high commissions and long waiting for transaction confirmation.