Russia: terrorists prepare to launch chemical attack in Duma

RUSSIA (VOP TODAY NEWS) – The Russian Ministry of Defense warned today, Friday, April 6, against a chemical attack that could be launched soon against Duma by terrorists such as those of the Front al-Nusra or the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

The Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Conflicting Parties in Syria issued a statement saying that the al-Nusra Front, which is the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, and the Free Syrian Army were preparing to launch a chemical attack on chlorine gas in the town of Douma, located in Eastern Ghouta.

The head of the center, Brigadier General Yuriy Evtushenko, said the terrorists were planning to make Damascus weary of this future chemical attack and thus prepare the ground for a foreign military strike against Syria.

This is not the first time that the Russian Ministry of Defense mentions the scenario of a chemical attack of terrorists in Eastern Ghouta in order to provide Westerners, and more particularly Americans, with the pretext of launching a new aggression against Syria.

We are one month from the start of Syrian Army operations in Eastern Ghouta and the only city yet to be liberated is Duma, which remains under the control of the Jaïch al-Islam terrorist group, supported by Riyadh.