Friday, March 2, 2018
- Op-Ed

- Op-Ed

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Op-Ed: Pyongyang will never accept the denuclearization demanded by Washington

UNITED STATES (VOP TODAY NEWS) - According to an Iranian expert on international issues, the denuclearization demanded by Washington will never be accepted by Pyongyang. An Iranian expert on international affairs, Hassan Hanizadeh, said in an interview with The Young Journalists...
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Trump began to buy allies – Who else after Guatemala will want to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

The beginning of the last week of 2017 left unexpected news. The President of Guatemala on his Facebook page reported that his country, following the United States, will transfer its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. There is...
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Op-Ed: Where is our Litzman?

So, the crisis has been eliminated, the coalition is stronger than ever, and the present government is the best in the history of Israel. This was stated by Netanyahu, having reached an agreement with ultra-Orthodox factions. With regard to the...
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Op-Ed: Global Warming is a Business

A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consencus that Global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very be...
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Op-Ed: 9/11 WTC Building 7 controlled demolition

9/11 WTC building 7 controlled demolition.
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Op-Ed: Abby Martin Exposes Zionism and Israel

Abby Martin goes on about the crimes of Israel and Zionists, which is commendable. However, she can't figure out why the United States gives billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel
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There’s a new Russia-US spying scandal

The Russian government used antivirus software from the private Russian company Kaspersky to steal classified U.S. data, according to several recent reports. The revelations, following months of vague warnings from U.S. officials, suggest that the U.S. has “direct evidence that there are...
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Trump still observes ‘military options’ with North Korea — Aide

A White House assistant says there's no misconception what President Donald Trump implies when he says "just a single thing will work" to get control over North Korea's atomic and rocket programs, reported AP. Trump still observes 'military options' with...
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North Korean video shows destruction of US airforce & USS Carl Vinson

North Korean missiles demolish a U.S. aircraft carrier and several jets in the latest stark imagery to come out of Pyongyang in a Sunday propaganda video, a day before the regime's foreign minister said President Trump's latest comments were...
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UK weapons companies made £6bn from Saudi since it started bombing Yemen — research

British arms companies have earned more than £6bn from their trade with Saudi Arabia during the ongoing war in Yemen, new research has found. War Child UK claimed the true revenue from dealings with the Gulf state are almost double...
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Spy Files Russia — WikiLeaks starts publishing about 209 documents from Russian company PETER-SERVICE

Today, September 19th 2017, WikiLeaks starts publishing the series "Spy Files Russia" with documents from the Russian company Петер-Сервис (PETER-SERVICE). This release includes 209 documents (34 base documents in different versions) dated between 2007 and 2015. PETER-SERVICE was founded 1992 in...
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Accused of war crimes, Saudi-led coalition ‘investigated’ and justified own air strikes

A panel set up by the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen to investigate civilian casualties found a series of deadly air strikes largely justified, citing the presence of armed militiamen at the homes, schools and clinics that were targeted. Amid...
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Tillerson, Haley say North Korea military option on table

Speaking on political talk shows, both the US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that despite seeking a peaceful solution, the Trump administration would not rule out the military option for...
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Parsons Green bomber ‘was spoken to by police several times’

A teenager suspected of being the Parsons Green bomber had been spoken to by police a number of times, neighbours of his foster family claimed today, amid questions over what authorities knew. The 18-year-old refugee, believed to be Iraqi, was...
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Millions of Western dollars meant to save Syrian children vanished, HRW

Millions of dollars pledged to get Syrian refugee children in school just haven’t reached them, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reports. They blame the donors for a lack of transparency, as RT’s Sameera Khan reports.
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Op-Ed: 5 minutes video explaining why 9/11 was fake attack

Five minutes video explaining why 9/11 was fake attack.
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US created Daesh and managed it over the recent years, top Iranian commander

A top Iranian commander says the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has been monitoring all Washington’s activities in Iraq and Syria. The top commander added Washington created Islamic State (formally IS, ISIS, ISIL) and managed it over the recent years. He...
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Op-Ed: Equifax now trying to trick people into waiving class action lawsuit rights

Equifax seems to be backpedaling on asking consumers to give up their legal rights to sue in court either individually or as part of a group over the massive data breach of consumer personal information such as names, birth...
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Op-Ed: Anti-war amendment killed: ‘Endless’ war in Iraq & Afghanistan will continue

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Op-Ed — Why nobody can trust Facebook

It becomes harder and harder to overstate the corruption and treachery of the online ad industry. Lord knows I’ve tried. Among its other accomplishments, Facebook has become famous for its lunatic metrics and bizarre rationalizations. You would think a company that...
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