N. Korea launch put millions in Japan into ‘duck and cover’ before it landed in Ocean, Mattis

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday that North Korea’s missile launch over Japan “put millions of Japanese into duck and cover” before it landed in the Pacific Ocean, and added that top U.S. officials had fully coordinated after the test-launch.

North Korea fired a missile that flew over Japan’s northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean, South Korean and Japanese officials said, further ratcheting up tensions after Pyongyang’s recent test of its most powerful nuclear bomb.

The United Nations Security Council will meet at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT) on Friday on the latest North Korea missile test, diplomats said, at the request of the United States and Japan.

U.S. stock futures dipped and the yen rose after North Korea fired another missile over Japan into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, in a sign that Pyongyang remains defiant despite tightening international sanctions.