How Monsanto has known the link between glyphosate and cancer since 1981

The almighty Monsanto has recently come under fire, after the World Health Organization labeled the main ingredient in the company’s popular Roundup weed killer product to be a human carcinogen.

Monsanto is currently in damage control mode in an effort to pick up the pieces from this public relations disaster.


ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, United States – (NaturalNews) In reality, Monsanto has known about the link between glyphosate and cancer for upwards of 35 years. It’s no surprise the evil giant has kept quiet for profit’s sake.

The effects of glyphosate on the human body have been studied for years by research scientist Dr. Anthony Samsel, who has revealed the harmfulness of its nature.

Samsel has also worked with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who released a warning that upwards of half of all children in the U.S. could be autistic by year 2025. The impending autism rate will largely be caused by exposure to glyphosate.

Samsel was recently given a look into a “trade secret” file that had been sealed away since 1981 at the request of the Monsanto Company. Samsel was able to view the document thanks to his field of study.

Though he was not granted permission to show the file to anyone, he is allowed to speak his thoughts on his findings.

Samsel was interviewed by journalist Tony Mitra, and spoke about his findings on camera.

He talks about disturbing evidence which shows “significant incidences of cell tumors of the tests and tumor growth in multiple organs and tissues” of lab animals.

Samsel also discusses the fact that there is evidence that glyphosate enters bone marrow almost immediately.

This entry into the bone marrow prevents the formation of new cells in living organisms. Samsel continues to highlight a higher incidence of benign tumors and cancerous tumors that, in almost every single case, begin in outer tissues.

While the World Health Organization currently only considers glyphosate to be a probable carcinogen, Samsel believes that glyphosate should definitely be considered an unequivocal carcinogen.

Government testing for glyphosate residue in foods has been put on hold. Meanwhile, the weed killer has found its way into many of the products we consume, including popular breakfast cereals.

The EPA is finalizing risk assessment for glyphosate, and is trying to determine what limits, if any, should be placed on future use of the herbicide.

For now, Monsanto has the green light to keep poisoning the population. FDA spokeswoman Megan McSeveney confirmed the testing suspension and says that the agency is unsure when testing will resume.

Monsanto Company is a publicly traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, Greater St. Louis, Missouri. Monsanto is a leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seedand Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide.

Notable achievements by Monsanto include research on catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation and the first mass-produced light emitting diodes (LEDs) in addition to its work on genetic engineering.

Monsanto was one of four groups to introduce genes into plants (1983), and was among the first to conduct field trials of genetically modified crops, (1987). It was one of the top 10 U.S. chemical companies until it divested most of its chemical businesses between 1997 and 2002, through a process of mergers and spin-offs that focused the company on biotechnology.

Monsanto was one of the first companies to apply the biotechnology industry business model to agriculture, using techniques developed by biotech drug companies.:2–6 In this business model, companies recoup R&D expenses by exploiting biological patents.

Monsanto’s roles in agricultural changes, biotechnology products and lobbying of government agencies and roots as a chemical company have surrounded the company in controversies. The company once manufactured controversial products such as the insecticide DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange and recombinant bovine growth hormone. Its seed patenting model was criticized as biopiracy and a threat to biodiversity.

In September 2016 Monsanto agreed to accept Bayer‘s offer to purchase the company for $66 billion ($128/share), pending regulatory approval.

