Foods that raise the intelligence of the child

Nutrition experts have identified some of the food that should be given to a child to improve his brain function, which is essential before he reaches the age of five, where brain growth is at its peak.

– Whole grains –

Especially oatmeal, which is an important source of complex carbohydrates, fiber and vitamin B. These substances are slowly digested to ensure that the child has a permanent source of energy.

– eggs –

Is an important source of proteins, as well as contains vitamins A, D, B12, E, and its “chute” is a concentrated blend of choline necessary for brain growth.

– Nuts –

Walnuts, almonds and peanuts are rich in antioxidant vitamin E. Walnut is very important for brain health because it contains the highest percentage of different amino acids.

– Vegetables of all kinds –

Vegetables are a source of antioxidants necessary to maintain healthy brain cells. It is an excellent source of folic acid, vitamins and minerals.

– Fatty fish –

Contains high levels of omega-3 amino acids necessary for brain growth and cardiovascular function. It is an important source of vitamin D essential for bone and nervous system.

– Yogurt –

Dairy products are rich in vitamin D essential for the growth of brain and nerve tissue and enzyme production. It is also a source of protein and carbohydrates.